Aura, rescued HorseWorld pony shines at Bath & West Show

Aura being ridden by Coco at The Royal Bath and West Show
In 2020 Aura was part of what was described as “one of the biggest animal welfare operations ever in the UK” . She was found with a group of 130 neglected and suffering horses living in appalling conditions. HorseWorld, along with other equine charities collaborated with the RSPCA to rehome the horses.
When she was rescued she was very nervous, severely underweight and suffering from worms and a lice infestation. Thankfully, the expert care of our HorseWorld team meant that Aura was able to make a full recovery.

Aura at the time of her rescue
During her rehabilitation programme the HorseWorld team quickly identified that the sweet natured Aura could be suited to join the Discovery equine team helping vulnerable young people cope with their social, mental and emotional challenges. Part of the equine training process for some of the younger Discovery equines is to spend time in a Foster home where they receive vital handling and some basic training.
Rehomer Elizabeth Hembrow explains how they came to meet Aura: “ I was looking for a pony for my daughter Coco and saw Aura on the HorseWorld website, available in their foster scheme. When we went to see her, we loved her attitude to work and placid nature straight away and when I watched Coco ride Aura on our second visit it was very clear just by her face how happy she was!
Since she came to live with us, Aura and Coco have formed a beautiful bond and an everlasting friendship. Coco suffers from OCD and ADHD but the time spent with Aura helps her cope and face life’s challenges. Together they have been out and about competing, joined The Pony Club and attend rallies. They have competed in a dressage series, fun rides and galloped across the Mendips, where they love unwinding together.
Going to The Royal Bath and West show was a big step up for Coco and Aura. The show had a real buzz about it and I was very nervous for them both but every time I checked in with Coco to see how she was feeling she just said “I’m fine Mum, I know Aura is the best pony here and I trust her 100%”. She was incredible and I am so proud of them both. Aura has stolen our hearts. She is simply perfect and we couldn’t love her any more or imagine life without her.”

Aura having cuddles with Coco
HorseWorld’s Madie Cole said “Our team always love seeing our horses and ponies thriving in their new homes, so we’re thrilled that Aura has found her perfect home with Coco and that the pair are so successfully flying the flag for HorseWorld rescued horses and others around the UK. We feel an enormous amount of pride in the work we do at HorseWorld seeing these horses, who often have a very sad past, flourish in their new home. Our rehoming families are incredible”
Inspired to rehome by Aura and Coco’s story? HorseWorld have lots of horses and ponies who are ready to find new homes. Visit to find out more.