Meet Dior

Dior arrived to HorseWorld in 2021 in a group of 15 other cobs. She is a pretty black mare with a white star and lots of mane and feather. Dior is looking for a new home as a companion with potential. 

On arrival Dior was very touch sensitive and evasive to handling- especially leg handling and it has taken patient rehabilitation to get her to a level where she is happy to be handled. She now will see the farrier with no problems.  Dior has progressed really well and has even started the basics of long lining, been in school/roundpen and had obstacle training here at HorseWorld. Dior has a busy mind and has benefited from the training and she seems to like having new challenges to focus on. Dior is not the greatest fan of the Vet so it is something to consider if you were to offer her a home. She dislikes any IV injections and has been known to be reactive however, her confidence with injections could be worked on and she currently has no health conditions that require her to be seen by the vet often. We feel she is only suited to an experienced adult home for this reason.

We are happy for Dior to be rehomed as a companion with potential,  where she would be most suited to a large herd environment or a with large horse or pony. Dior will usually take the lead mare role over the smaller ponies, she currently lives in a hill field in a herd of Mares and gets on well with most of them. She has been stabled here at Horseworld and is well behaved  but dislikes it for long periods of time (more than 48 hours). She is happiest living out 24/7 with access to shelter and has lived with mares and geldings of all ages. Dior's dominant behaviour is most apparent when food is involved, aside from that she happily grazes quietly. In the winter we spread the hay piles out well and there hasn't ever been any issues. Dior maintains her weight well and hasn’t needed restricted grazing or any addition of hard feed to her diet.

If the handler were experienced enough Dior could continue with groundwork/walks in hand, long lining training and could do ride and lead off another experienced horse. Dior is forward going and moves very nicely, we suspect in a former life she may have even been a driving pony. A home where she could do exercise/training a couple of times a week would be suited to her as keeps her engaged and helps her build a bond with her handler. This pretty girl deserves a chance to find a new home where she can build a rewarding connection to her new loaner.

All about Dior

  • 01.05.11
  • Small Cob
  • Female
  • Black
  • 12.2hh
  • Non Ridden Companion
  • Available

Loan fee for Dior is £60